Physical Therapy Evaluation – First Visit

Physical therapy service begins with a thorough evaluation. This includes an a detailed medical history, as well as the history of your present injury/challenge. We may also review any related treatments, including prescribed exercises, medications, and/or activity modifications you may have had with other practitioners, be they other physical therapists, medical doctors, chiropractors, massage therapists and etc. This will be followed by a detailed physical examination including injury specific tests, strength, range of motion, joint mobility, biomechanical evaluation and tissue palpation. Taking the findings above into consideration, a physical therapy diagnosis and plan of care (POC) will be designed for you. The POC generally includes recommendations for activity modification, the prescription of a home exercise program, and a plan for follow up therapy as needed.

Follow Up Visits

Subsequent therapy (follow up visits) generally consist of a review of your symptoms, and a review, modification or progression of your present home exercise program. Following this, you may be challenged with more difficult, specific (to your situation) movement tasks/exercises in the clinic. In addition, your therapist may use specific manual therapy techniques in order to help you move better and/or reduce the discomfort that you may be having. Finally, modifications/advancement of your sport or activity may be discussed/recommeded.

Frequency/Duration of Care

Physical therapy sessions may occur once or twice a week, or once a month, or only once, depending upon your specific situation. A typical course of physical therapy would be 1 -2 x/wk for 6 -8 weeks. At physio_logic physical therapy, your physical therapy visits will be one on one with the therapist and without interruption, and it is therefore likely that you will need fewer physical therapy visits overall, than in most conventional physical therapy clinics.